Press Releases

REMINDER: Rick Scott Wrote The Plan To Raise Taxes On 40% Of Floridians – And He’s NOT Sorry About It

Jun 07, 2024


June 7, 2024


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REMINDER: Rick Scott Wrote The Plan To Raise Taxes On 40% Of Floridians – And He’s NOT Sorry About It

In 2022, Rick Scott Launched His Plan To Raise Taxes on Middle-Class Families And Push Millions Into Poverty

Rick Scott: “I’d like to apologize to absolutely nobody.”

This Is The First Time Rick Scott Will Face Florida Voters Since Releasing His Toxic Plan – Which Has Raised Doubts With 75% Of Voters

Miami, FL – Two years ago today, Rick Scott doubled down on his toxic 11-point plan to “rescue America,” which proposed raising taxes on nearly half the population – including over 40% of Floridians – and directly targeted lower-income households, retirees, and active-duty military. In response, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell released the following statement.

“Millionaire Rick Scott has spent years pretending to care about our state’s hardworking families, all while writing the plan to raise taxes on the very Floridians he claims to represent,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “Scott can say he’ll apologize to no one – but he’s forgotten he answers to Floridians, who will retire him in November.”


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