Press Releases

REMINDER: Rick Scott Wants to Take Away 4 Million Floridians’ Health Care

Mar 22, 2024


March 22, 2024


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REMINDER: Rick Scott Wants to Take Away 4 Million Floridians’ Health Care

Miami, FL – On the fourteenth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell condemned Rick Scott for his efforts to strip health care away from over 4 million Floridians, including those with pre-existing conditions, in the state that leads the nation in Affordable Care Act enrollments.

“Fourteen years ago, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, providing millions of Americans with access to affordable, high-quality health insurance. Today, more than 4 million Floridians have access to health care because of the ACA,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “As the Associate Dean at FIU’s medical school, I worked for years to deliver affordable health care to Florida’s underserved communities, and I know its importance to so many Floridian families. Rick Scott claims to care about seniors and families, but he supports repealing the ACA which would leave millions without access to safe and affordable health care overnight. Floridians are ready to retire Rick Scott and protect the Affordable Care Act.”

Rick Scott has been a leader in the fight to repeal health care overnight for more than 4 million Floridians.

  • Rick Scott wrote the plan to sunset the Affordable Care Actand strip health care from millions of Floridians with pre-existing conditions. [Protect Our Care, 8/24/22]
  • Rick Scott pushed for repeal of the Affordable Care Act on day one of the Trump administration, calling Republicans to “aggressively and immediately pursue a repeal of ObamaCare” [The Hill, 12/13/16].
  • Rick Scott spoke to Trump almost every week to plan the repeal of the Affordable Care Act [The Miami Herald, 1/18/17].
  • Rick Scott voted against a bipartisan motion to block the Department of Justice from pushing to eliminate the Affordable Care Act [Vote 200, S. 4653, 10/1/20].


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