Press Releases

Rick Scott Has Repeatedly Turned His Back On Florida Women

Mar 12, 2024


March 12, 2024


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Rick Scott Has Repeatedly Turned His Back On Florida Women

Rick Scott Voted Against Moving Forward On The Equal Rights Amendment To Secure Gender Equality

In 2021, Rick Scott Voted Against Moving Forward With The Paycheck Fairness Act – Blocking The Bill From Receiving Any Sort Of Senate Vote

ICYMI: New Polling From EMILYs List Shows Florida Senate Race Statistically Tied, Scott Uniquely Vulnerable For His Extreme Stances Against Women’s Freedoms

Miami, FL – Throughout his time in office, Rick Scott has continuously opposed equal pay protections and opportunities for women in Florida and across the country, instead working to strip women of their fundamental rights.

“As a proud Latina and a mother who worked her way up from a minimum wage job to serving in Congress, I know the steep challenges women in our country face – and I know the opportunities that are possible only in this country. But Rick Scott is a threat to these opportunities,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “On Equal Pay Day, we must remember that Rick Scott has done absolutely nothing to help women here in Florida get the fair pay they deserve.  Millions of women here in Florida and across the country continue to work harder and harder only to earn a percentage of what their male counterparts make for equal work. Scott’s extreme actions undermine the financial security of our Florida families and make it more difficult for women to achieve the American Dream. Women in Florida are ready for change, and when I’m in the U.S. Senate, I will demand a future where every single woman is valued, appreciated, and most importantly, compensated fairly.”

Rick Scott has a long record of opposing equal pay protections for women:

  • Rick Scott voted against moving the Equal Rights Amendment to guarantee gender equality forward. [, 4/27/23]
  • Scott voted against moving forward with the Paycheck Fairness Act, blocking the bill from receiving a Senate vote after passing in the House. [, 2/8/21]
  • Rick Scott refused to support new laws for equal pay for women. [Naples Daily News, 9/9/14]
  • As Governor, Rick Scott did nothing as two equal pay bills were killed in committee by the GOP-led Florida Legislature. [American Bridge, 2/4/14]


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