Press Releases

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Hosts Press Call on Protecting IVF in Florida

Mar 05, 2024


March 5, 2024


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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Hosts Press Call on Protecting IVF in Florida

New Polling From EMILYs List Shows Florida Senate Race Statistically Tied, Scott Uniquely Vulnerable On Abortion and GOP Efforts To Ban IVF

Miami, FL – Today, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell hosted a press call with a new Florida mom thanks to IVF to discuss protecting access to IVF in Florida against extremists like Rick Scott who refuse to stand up to Republican efforts to ban it.

“Rick Scott has been leading the charge against our fundamental freedoms for years. His refusal to stand up for countless women who depend on IVF to start a family comes as no surprise,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “If Rick Scott actually supported protecting access to IVF, he’d support Senator Duckworth’s bill to protect Americans’ access to IVF. Now, because of Rick Scott’s extreme agenda, women and families across Florida are wondering if IVF will be banned here next. We cannot go backwards and I won’t let Scott turn back the clock on our freedoms. Together, we’ll fight for equality and for our fundamental rights.”


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