Press Releases

NEW: Debbie For Florida Releases Memo On Anniversary Of Rick Scott’s Toxic Plan To End Social Security and Medicare

Feb 21, 2024


February 21, 2024


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NEW: Debbie For Florida Releases Memo On Anniversary Of Rick Scott’s Toxic Plan To End Social Security and Medicare

Rick Scott Represents A State With One Of The Largest Populations Of Seniors, Yet He Continued To Double Down On His Plan To Sunset Medicare And Social Security

This Is The First Time Rick Scott Will Face Florida Voters Since Releasing His Toxic Plan – Which Has Raised Doubts With 75% Of Voters

Miami, FL – Ahead of the two-year anniversary of Rick Scott’s dangerous plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare – a plan so toxic it received immediate backlash from both Democrats and Republicans, the Debbie Mucarsel-Powell campaign released a memo calling out all of the ways Scott is uniquely vulnerable in Florida.

Read the full memo below.

To: Interested Parties

From: Kate Letzler Moore, Debbie for Florida Campaign Manager

Date: February 21, 2024

Re: On the Anniversary of his Disastrous Plan, Rick Scott Has Never Been More Vulnerable


Two years ago, Rick Scott released a disastrous plan to end Social Security and Medicare – a plan so toxic it received immediate backlash from both Democrats and Republicans. Now, Scott is on the ballot for the first time since pushing to spike costs for Floridians and rip away benefits earned over a lifetime of work – a dangerous agenda that makes him uniquely vulnerable in 2024.

Scott enters the race in a weak position: he has never won a race in Florida by more than 51 percent – including his last election, when he spent $64 million of his own money and won by less than 11,000 votes. Recent polling shows Scott is underwater by 8 points, and Latino voters find Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s story more appealing by nearly 20 points. Scott has been outraised by Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in each of the last two quarters.

While Rick Scott will have to defend a record that is out-of-step with Florida and underwater favorability, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is building a strong campaign to fight for Floridians.


Rick Scott’s plan faced immediate backlash when he released it two years ago – and he has doubled down on it again, and again, and again. His plan is so toxic that Republicans in Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas and Georgia faced attacks over it that cost them their elections.

Polling conducted this cycle shows that his plan costs him support with Florida voters and is an issue he will have to spend time defending in 2024. Scott is underwater by double digits with voters on the issue of Social Security and Medicare, and his plan to end the programs raises doubts with an overwhelming majority of voters.

Scott has already faced attacks this cycle, and Democrats will continue to put him on defense. Meanwhile, the National Committee to Protect Social Security and Medicare has endorsed Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for her record of fighting for Florida seniors.


Scott’s toxic agenda to end Social Security and Medicare is not his only spike costs for Floridians.

Scott is one of the richest members of the Senate, and during his time in the Senate, he has increased his personal wealth by tens of millions of dollars. While Scott was enriching himself, he was working to raise taxes on almost half of Floridians $1,000 – including retirees. Recent polling shows that a large majority of voters have concerns with Scott’s tax plan to hike costs on the middle class while defunding public sector jobs.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The Debbie for Florida campaign will hold Rick Scott accountable for his plans to raise costs for Florida seniors and families. The campaign will communicate with Floridians across the state to remind them of his record of pushing to raise taxes and end Social Security and Medicare while he enriched himself and grew his wealth by tens of millions of dollars.


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