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Self-Serving Rick Scott Lies About His Abortion Record – AGAIN

Feb 15, 2024


February 15, 2024


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Self-Serving Rick Scott Lies About His Abortion Record – AGAIN

Rick Scott Co-Sponsored A National Abortion Ban, Supported Florida’s 6-Week Abortion Ban And Criminalizing Health Care Providers

ICYMI: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Camp Lays Out Rick Scott’s Plan To Outlaw Abortion Nationwide

Miami, FL – Debbie Mucarsel-Powell released the following statement in response to Rick Scott lying about his toxic record on abortion in an interview with Politico.

“Rick Scott can’t lie away his toxic record on abortion,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “His name is on a federal abortion ban. His bill includes criminal sentences for reproductive care providers. He confirmed he would have signed Florida’s dangerous abortion ban into law if he was Governor, banning abortion before most women know they’re pregnant. He funds candidates who oppose access to contraceptive care. He minimizes the issue and calls it ‘a tough issue for women.’ Floridians know exactly where he stands and they are ready to fire Rick Scott and fight for our reproductive freedoms.”

A month ago, Rick Scott said he wasn’t running from his toxic record on abortion.

  • “Scott told The Hill in an interview that he’s not backing away from his anti-abortion record and dismissed Democratic attacks related to abortion rights as ‘lies.’” [The Hill, 1/5/24]

Now, Scott is working overtime to lie about his dangerous record of supporting a national abortion ban and Florida’s dangerous ban that would ban abortion with hardly any exceptions before most women know they’re pregnant.

  • “‘She lies when she says I support a national ban. She lies when she says Republicans want to put women in jail. She lies when she says Republicans want to ban IVF,’ Scott added, referring to in vitro fertilization.” [The Hill, 1/26/24]
  • He has disputed Murcasel-Powell’s contention that he supports a federal abortion ban, though, and again said so on Tuesday. ‘I believe it ought to be done at the state-level,’ he said. But he was less definitive on whether he supports a six-week ban.” [Florida Phoenix, 1/30/24]
  • “‘I don’t believe there ought to be a federal limitation,’ Scott said when asked about gestational limits on abortion. In 2021 he cosponsored a 20-week abortion ban, but now said his position changed after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, turning the legality of abortion to states.” [Politico, 2/13/24]


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