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Self-Serving Rick Scott Can’t Justify Tanking Bipartisan Deal To Secure America’s Borders

Feb 09, 2024


February 9, 2024


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Self-Serving Rick Scott Can’t Justify Tanking Bipartisan Deal To Secure America’s Borders

Before Even Reading The Bill, Rick Scott Refused To Consider The Bipartisan Border Security Deal

When Asked Simple Questions, Rick Scott Fails To Justify His Decision To Put Partisan Politics Before America’s National Security

Miami, FL – Self-serving Rick Scott is once again putting his own dangerous agenda before America’s border security by opposing a bipartisan deal that would address the crisis at the border.

In the face of questions from Bloomberg, Rick Scott can’t justify putting partisan politics before our national security.

  • “Senator, how were you left behind in negotiations, though? … You’ve known about some of these conversations from December, why are you shocked now?”
  • “Does this bill … weaken any current immigration law that we currently have?”
  • “When you look at the Border Patrol Union, they endorsed President Trump. They say this is better than nothing. You look at the numbers in December … if you look at those numbers, at minimum then, this would be cutting December in half. How is that not better than what you have today?
  • “You have a Democratic president, you have a Democratic-held Senate, the Republicans control one half of one branch of government. Why is this not an incremental step that you can build on?

“Rick Scott can’t justify his opposition to this bipartisan border deal because his decision to put party politics before our national security is unjustifiable,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “Rick Scott can’t answer these questions, so I’ll do it for him. Scott wasn’t left behind in negotiations – he refused to come to the table. This bill strengthens our immigration and border security laws, not weakens them. Rick Scott doesn’t care that the Border Patrol Union needs help, and he won’t take incremental steps towards solutions because he would rather put our agents and our safety in jeopardy to score political points in an election year. Extremist Rick Scott is a disgrace to our state.”


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NBC2 speaks with Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell about challenging Rick Scott


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