Press Releases

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Hosts Press Call On The Fight To Secure Florida Freedoms Against A National Abortion Ban

Feb 06, 2024


February 6th, 2024


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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Hosts Press Call On The Fight To Secure Florida Freedoms Against A National Abortion Ban

Miami, FL – Today, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell hosted a press call with reproductive health providers and advocates to talk about the importance of protecting abortion rights in the U.S. Senate.

“As a mother of two daughters and a son, I am fighting against attacks on reproductive freedom because I want to ensure that they have access to the same opportunities, protections, and rights as I did,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “This is not a partisan issue. This is about protecting our state against extremists. Rick Scott is ready to ban abortion across the nation with barely any exceptions. He wants doctors to face criminal penalties for providing essential care. He has backed candidates who support banning contraceptive care. The government has no place infringing on our rights and deciding if a woman can access life-saving care. Abortion is on the ballot this November – both through the ballot initiative and through retiring Rick Scott.”

“I am a former state representative and I was on the floor when the Florida House of Representatives passed one of these restrictive bans and I spoke against it,” said Joe Geller. “But I speak here today more as a husband and a father who has a 17 year old daughter. This is a personal issue. It is not about politics. This is about a woman’s right to health care, to see a doctor and make a decision with her family. We are talking about women facing life-threatening issues. If Rick Scott has his way, there will be a national abortion ban. He has this completely wrong and he has to go. We need Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who understands this issue not only on the political side, but on the personal side. We need Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in the Senate to vote against the nationwide ban, so that my daughter can keep her rights.”

“After having my third child, my husband and I had an unplanned pregnancy,” said Corryn Freeman. “Together, we made the decision that we could not energetically provide or financially provide for a fourth child, so we made the very tough decision to have an abortion. I went to a Planned Parenthood clinic and was treated in a respectful, healthy, safe manner. We should all be able to have that kind of access and conversation with our doctors for ourselves, for our families, and for our lives. Rick Scott has not been a champion for economic justice or racial justice – instead playing political games and forcing women to bring people into a world that is not pro-life even for the living. That is why I support Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. We need agency over our bodies or it is only a matter of time until the next rollback of our rights.”

“As someone who works directly with women impacted by the dangerous and sometimes deadly abortion restrictions we are seeing both in Florida and nationwide, I personally know the profound impact these draconian bans have on the livelihoods of women in our community,” said Dr. Cecilia Grande. “The stories I’ve heard are not merely statistics – they are the personal experiences of real women facing difficult decisions because of challenging circumstances unnecessarily created by extreme politicians like Rick Scott. We must advocate for leaders like Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who understand the importance of reproductive rights as an integral part of women’s health care. This year, we have the opportunity to send a powerful message in November – that Floridians believe in a woman’s right to choose, that we value their autonomy, and that we will not accept Rick Scott’s extremist policies that undermine the fundamental principles of freedom and equality.”


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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Statement on Abortion Ballot Measure Arguments


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