Press Releases

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Hosts a Roundtable with Reproductive Rights Leaders

Jan 30, 2024


January 30, 2024


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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Hosts a Roundtable with Reproductive Rights Leaders

Miami, FL – Today, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell hosted a roundtable with Jessica Mackler, Interim President of EMILYs List, and local reproductive rights leaders to discuss the importance of reproductive freedom in Florida against extremists like Rick Scott who cosponsored a national abortion ban.

“It’s no surprise that extremists like Rick Scott are launching a joint attack on our democracy and our rights as women,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “We know that the fight for reproductive rights goes hand in hand with our fight for democracy. The bottom line is the government has no place infringing on our rights and deciding if a woman is able to access health care. If Rick Scott thinks that he can support a national abortion ban and back a dangerous six week ban in our state and not face any consequences, then he has another thing coming for him.”

“This year, abortion rights are at stake now more than ever before, especially here in the state of Florida, which has been ground zero for attacks on abortion,” said Jessica Mackler. “Not only is Debbie Mucarsel-Powell fighting to send Rick Scott into retirement, but thanks to the hard work of hundreds of reproductive rights advocates across the state, Florida’s abortion ballot initiative is well on its way to making it onto the ballot in November. Floridians know exactly what another term with Rick Scott as senator would mean for the state, for women’s rights, and for our democracy. They are more energized than ever before to show up and vote, not only for Debbie, but to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.”


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