Press Releases

Rick Scott Tries To Shut Down The Government – AGAIN

Jan 10, 2024


January 10, 2024


[email protected]

Rick Scott Tries To Shut Down The Government – AGAIN

Rick Scott Calls For Punishing Law Enforcement Officers, Active Duty Servicemembers, TSA Agents, And More Over Hardline Extremist Demands

Miami, FL – As the government heads toward another dangerous shutdown, Rick Scott has once again decided to play political games that have devastating consequences for Floridians. Scott’s shutdown could force law enforcement officers, border security agents, active service members, and millions of Americans to work without pay.

“Once again, self-serving millionaire Rick Scott is putting his own dangerous agenda before Floridians – this time by forcing hardworking active duty servicemembers, law enforcement officers, and more to work without pay,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “If Rick Scott was serious about tackling the border crisis and standing with Israel, he would come to the table with constructive solutions instead of cheering on a shutdown with devastating consequences until he gets his way. This is not leadership, this is Rick Scott attempting to score cheap points with his extreme base, and Floridians deserve better.”


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