Press Releases

Rick Scott Calls To Repeal the Affordable Care Act – AGAIN

Nov 29, 2023


November 29, 2023


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Rick Scott Calls To Repeal the Affordable Care Act – AGAIN

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Will Continue To Hold Rick Scott Accountable For His Plan To Sunset The Affordable Care Act, Social Security, and Medicare

Rick Scott Oversaw One Of The Largest Medicare Frauds In History. As Governor, Scott Opposed Medicaid Expansion

Florida currently leads the nation in Obamacare enrollments. Rick Scott’s plan would be devastating to Florida families.

Miami, FL – Today, new reporting from POLITICO reveals that Rick Scott once again put his dangerous, self-serving agenda over the lives of millions of Floridians by renewing his calls to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Scott made it clear he’s more than willing to end health insurance coverage for 3.2 million Floridians overnight, stating proudly that he’s been a “leading voice in calling out Obamacare,” and pledging to work “alongside [Trump] when he wins in 2024” on his calls to repeal the ACA.

In response, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, candidate for Senate, released the following statement:

“Rick Scott is a self-serving corrupt politician who increased his own personal wealth by nearly $50 million while advocating to spike the cost of health care and rip away Floridians’ coverage and protections for pre-existing conditions. From his attacks on Medicare and Social Security to his latest statement doubling down on his record of overturning the Affordable Care Act, Scott keeps showing he’s a corrupt politician who has built his career defrauding working people, and that he has no place representing our state in the Senate.”

Rick Scott has a long record of fighting to strip millions of Floridians of affordable health care coverage.

  • Scott Pushed Republicans In Congress “To Aggressively And Immediately Pursue A Repeal Of ObamaCare.” [The Hill, 12/13/16]
  • “Florida’s Rick Scott Says He’s Helping Trump Craft Replacement Health Care Plan.” [Miami Herald, 1/18/17]
  • Scott Said He Spent A Lot Of Time With Tom Price, Talked To Trump Every Week Or Two To Come Up With A Plan To Repeal ACA. [The Miami Herald, 1/18/17]
  • “Report: Rick Scott Is Helping Trump Craft Obamacare Replacement.” [Tampa Bay Times, 1/19/17]
  • “Scott now says he opposes the Medicaid expansion. […] Florida is less likely to see a Medicaid expansion that would help insure nearly 1 million poor people.” [The Washington Post, 4/6/15]
  • Rick Scott wrote a plan to sunset Medicare, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act. [Protect Our Care, 8/24/22]


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Florida Sen. Rick Scott backs Donald Trump in revived push to repeal Obamacare


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