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Florida Leaders From Every Corner Rally Around Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate

Oct 19, 2023


October 19, 2023


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Florida Leaders From Every Corner Rally Around Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s Grassroots Campaign Outraised Rick Scott In First FEC Quarter

Debbie’s Campaign Continues to Unify Democrats with Former Florida Senate Candidate Retired Commander Phil Ehr’s Endorsement

MIAMI – Today, leaders from across Florida are unifying around Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate. Current and former elected leaders from every corner of the state are rallying around Debbie’s unapologetic record of putting Floridians’ first and her promise to always fight for Floridians’ freedoms.

As Rick Scott continues to fail Floridians, playing partisan games and pushing his extreme agenda to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, Florida Democrats are presenting a unified front behind their strongest candidate to defeat him next November.

Today’s endorsements follow Debbie’s campaign outraising Senator Rick Scott in her first FEC quarter in the race — raising over $1.5 million from 33,000 donors in just 5 weeks.

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: “I’m honored to be endorsed by so many of Florida’s incredible state legislators. I’ve worked with each of these leaders and know they are tenacious, compassionate elected officials who’s work in the state legislature is vital to the livelihoods of Florida families and communities. As U.S. Senator, I’ll fight every day for the needs of their communities in Washington and look forward to working together to defeat Rick Scott in November.”

Senator Shevrin Jones: “Debbie Mucarsel Powell has dedicated her life to building safer, stronger communities, and I’m proud to support her for U.S. Senate.  As Rick Scott pushes to end Medicare and slash taxes for the ultra wealthy like himself, Floridians are left holding the bag.  We deserve a champion in Washington focused on getting results and actually improving people’s lives.  Debbie is a proven fighter for working people, and I’m committed to doing everything I can to help her win and ensure Scott is a one-term Senator come November 2024.”

Senator Tina Polsky: “Debbie Mucarsel-Powell has stood up for Floridians her whole career, from working to expand access to health care while at FIU to writing the bill to expand Medicare in Congress. She understands that our seniors depend on Medicare and Social Security. I’m proud to support her campaign and will be rolling up my sleeves and fighting alongside her for victory next November.”

State Rep. Kevin Chambliss: “Having worked closely with Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, I can tell you firsthand, she is a fierce fighter for Florida. After losing her father to gun violence, she has been steadfast in her commitment to make Florida families safer and we will continue to work together to protect our kids from the gun violence epidemic in our community. She is an experienced and stronger leader who has what it takes to deliver for our state and to beat Rick Scott.”

State Rep. Lindsay Cross: “Debbie Mucarsel-Powel is an incredible leader and the only person who can beat Rick Scott. Whether it’s fighting to protect the right to choose, lowering property insurance rates, or protecting our environment, I’ll be standing with Debbie to get it done. I look forward to working with her to create the change Florida desperately needs.”

State Rep. Anna Eskamani: “We need to bring real change to our state. Rick Scott and his group of extremist Republicans are causing devastation for working families – making it harder for everyday people to afford to live in Florida. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is a history making candidate who will run an innovative and strong campaign built from the bottom up. I’m thrilled she’s running for US Senate and I’ll be right there next to her, working hard to inspire our community to get involved, and vote!”

State Rep. Ashley Gantt: “I’m excited about Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s campaign because I know she can win. Her dedication to serving is about the people and not the title unlike her opponent. Extremists like Rick Scott have rigged an unfair system where the few at the top make millions while others in our state are finding it harder and harder to afford to live and afford necessities: that’s unacceptable. Debbie has what it takes to beat him and change course for so many hardworking Floridians.”

State Rep. Michael Gottlieb: “I am proud and excited to endorse Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Senate because Florida needs a champion for our families, for our environment, and for our economy. In Congress, Debbie stood up to huge corporations and polluters and delivered relief funds to small businesses and restoration funds for the Everglades. Debbie brings people together and wins big fights for Floridians. That’s exactly why we need her in the US Senate.”

State Rep. Marie Woodson: “I am proud to endorse Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for US Senate. She is one of the boldest leaders that I have ever known in our county. She is a fierce and tenacious leader who continues to uphold our democratic values. Debbie has been a fantastic ally for us in the US Congress and she will be an outstanding Senator. Unlike her opponent, she will not raise taxes on the middle class families and will protect Social Security and Medicare.  Debbie is definitely the Senator that we need at this time and she has my full support in this race.”

Former State Senator Annette Taddeo: “Florida needs a game-changing candidate to win this state back for working families, and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is that candidate. Whether it’s delivering immediate economic relief to small businesses or working to lower the cost of health care, I’ve seen her work non-stop to deliver for Miami families and I look forward to calling her Senator.”

Former State Rep. Carlos Giuillermo-Smith: “I’m excited to endorse Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s campaign, because she will deliver the change Floridians need in Washington. Debbie is smart, she’s tough, she cares about people, and I know she can win. While radical extremists like Rick Scott are stacking the deck in favor of the ultra rich and big corporations, while Florida’s working class gets squeezed more and more. Debbie puts people over power — always has, always will. And that’s why she’s going to win next November.”

Today’s endorsements follow endorsements of Debbie’s campaign for U.S. Senate from Florida Members of Congress Reps. Wasserman Shultz, Kathy Castor, Lois Frankel, Maxwell Frost and State Senator Jason Pizzo. Debbie previously earned endorsements from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ BOLD PAC, EMILY’s List, and Giffords PAC.


About Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell came to the U.S. from South America at a young age with her mom and sisters, fleeing violence and searching for a better life.

While her mother worked double shifts as a home health care provider, Debbie worked at a doughnut shop to help her family make ends meet. After working her way through high school and college, Debbie worked as the Associate Dean at Florida International University’s Colleges of Health and Medicine. While at FIU, Debbie helped lead a program to expand access to affordable healthcare to more Floridians.

Serving in Congress, Debbie fought to expand opportunity for every American. Debbie wrote the bill to expand seniors’ Medicare Advantage coverage, and she worked with Republicans to provide economic relief to families and small businesses, and secured $200 million for Everglades restoration. When Debbie was 24, she tragically lost her father to gun violence, and she has been a lifelong advocate for reducing crime and keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals.

Now, Debbie is running for the U.S. Senate because our democracy, our economy, and our rights are all on the line — and Senator Rick Scott has failed Floridians. Florida is one of the least affordable states in the nation, but Senator Rick Scott wants to raise taxes on our families and end Social Security and Medicare coverage. As someone who takes care of her elderly mother, Debbie will always fight to protect Medicare, Social Security, and access to quality, affordable healthcare.

And while Rick Scott has pushed for a national abortion ban, and even cosponsored a bill that would criminalize doctors and nurses, Debbie will protect the rights of women and families and work to sign Roe v. Wade into law.

Debbie and her husband Robert live in Miami and have three children, Willow, Jude and Siena, two dogs, Spike and Kali, and a bunny named Ashanti.

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